
1 min read
·Connection designed with the Deaf Community
Tive was built initially as a mobile application in Flutter for iOS and Android. It supports iPad and tablets and is feature rich. Duplicating the work onto the web was a lot of work so I started with Tive connect. The way the deaf users can call interpreters on demand.
Another fun part of the application is the social media feed where people can post, react, comment, and share was also in demand. Porting tive to the web took a lot of client side code to make the web feel like an interactive app. Leveraging Tan stack query for fetching and caching was extremely helpful to handle data fetching and caching. We leveraged Chadcn to quickly create beautiful components that servered our purpose and matched our branding.
There are a lot more pages that were built and more are being built. The important learning here was to make rich interactive web applications that were responsive, fast, and allowed users to have the best possible experience on the web.